December 10, 2013

Crystal Healing

Everyone has probably seen crystals and stones in stores. They are pretty and "would probably look good on the living room", right?

Yes but that's not the only thing they do. Actually that's the least important thing they do.
Crystals heal. They can be used in Reiki and other things like magic.

Like almost everything they have energy. And this energy can be filtered by the crystal's properties and used for different things like helping us heal, cleaning our energy, giving us inspiration, helping us with insomnia, etc.

Which crystals are used for what?
It's a hard question because most of them can be used for many and diverse things.
But here are some examples:

  • Amber is used to clean negativity and help the natural healing process. 
    Amber and Clear Crystal Pendulum
  • Amethyst is good to protect, heal and improve spiritual powers
  • Hematite protects against negative energy, closes your energy field in order to protect you and is excellent to calm down
  • Lapis lazuli is great to protect, improve integrity and attract abundance
  • Quartz rose is the stone of love connected to Venus it attracts love and self-esteem.
  • Tigereye helps us be optimistic and have personal power; it is good for insight
This is a very small list of crystals/stones and their uses.
But they only work properly if you treat them right...

How to work with crystals
Having energy, crystals and stones have "feelings" too and they need to be taken care of.
Most of them need to be cleaned, energized and programmed.

There are many ways of doing this:
  • Placing the crystal on a glass bowl full of water with a little sea salt
  • Placing the crystal under rain or flowing water
  • Cleaning the crystal with your energy (imagine white pure energy coming out of your hand into the crystal)
  • Placing the crystal under the sun for 24 hours
  • Burying the crystal in soil or a garden for a day
  • Placing the crystal under the sun light for 6 hours or under the moonlight for a whole night
  • Leaving the crystal outside during a thunderstorm
  • Imagining any color energy coming out of your hand into the crystal
I only know a way of doing this: lay down (or sit if you prefer), take some deep breaths with the crystal in your hands, feel it pulsing with energy and place it/hold it in front of your eye chakra (between your eyebrows). Then it's time to talk to it, tell it what you want and imagine the results in-visioning the exchange of energy between your chakra and the crystal or stone. Do this until  you feel the crystal is programmed.

After this they are ready to help you 100%.
Place them around your house or take them with you everywhere. You can use them as necklaces, bracelets or rings, or even just put them inside a cloth bag and carry them with you.

For more information please check:

Keep loving your crystals and stones!
Blessed be ^^

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