Although the title of this post makes it look simple, our energy is quite a complex thing.
Science believes we are energy (heat is energy for example). But esoterism and some religions go far ahead on that: we have a soul which is pure energy.
Today I am here to talk about that energy, or some of it: the external part,
The Aura.
Kirlian Photography of Hands (A picture of the aura) |
Aura is a subtle radiation, often luminous that surrounds people, animals, plants and, sometimes, objects that took energy (a kid's favorite teddy bear can take some energy creating an aura of its own). It can surround our body like clothes or it can be a ball around us.
Since aura is energy, nowadays, technological instruments like laptops have an aura.
Viewing the aura is usually connected with the third eye chakra and, in parapsychology, to ESP (Extrasensory Perception).
What is it for?
In spirituality and similar subjects, the aura protects the body and soul of a person or living being. It's also used by some to diagnose health problems and karma related issues.
By reading the aura and its color and intensity, some people can find problems and treat them.
For example, dark blue aura above the head might mean depression and sadness.
It's energy that flows and is in constant mutation.
How to see it?
Some people are born with this ability, others can try to work it as if it was a muscle that needs training.
There are many techniques which I will work on later in this blog.
What influences the aura?
The aura is like an energetic archive of our human experience. That's why we can find out things about past lives through our aura.
- Sadness
- Health problems
- Karma issues
- External energies
- Learning
These are some of the things that can change our aura.
External energies might be the main one, if we don't protect ourselves. Other's auras can connect to ours and trade energies. Sometimes it's good for us because we can receive positive energy from others but usually it's bad because people take away our positive energy and give us their negative one.
All these influence the color and intensity of our aura which influences how we feel.
How to clean and take care of our aura
Cleaning our energy/aura is a simple exercise that can improve our life and make us feel better.
Some techniques for this are:
- Salt and herbs bath: the salt cleans and purifies our energy while the herbs recharge them avoiding a vulnerable period after the salt bath.
- Visualization and meditation: Visualizing a white pure fire going in spiral from above our head to under our feet, burning all the negativity and stains from our aura and leaving it bright and clean with a warm cozy feeling.
To avoid the need of cleaning our energy everyday, we can imagine a white light coming from within us and setting itself around us, protecting us from the negative energies and welcoming the positive ones.
The use of charms and crystals is also very popular.
Medical aura
There is a medical symptom in which the patient suffers a perceptual disturbance in the form of a luminous field around someone. It is often related to migraines.
It is easy to differentiate the medical aura from the aura of this post: the medical aura usually is caused by health problems while the aura spoken above has no health issues related to it.
Curious facts: The halo from religious figures means the holiness of that person, because the aura is represented (halo) on the head (crown and third eye chakras).
The Kirlian Photography (aka electrography) is a set of techniques used to capture electric coronal discharges. It is referred to as Aura Photography, because it is believed to take pictures of the aura.
Can you see the aura?
For more information please check:
Aura (Parapsychology) - Wiki
Aura (Symptom) - Wiki
Aura - Terra-Esoterico (Portuguese)
Kirlian Photography
For more information about the aura or suggestions please feel free to comment!
Blessed be ^^