December 14, 2013

Puppy Mills - Cruelty not even Sauron would think of

Today I come here to talk about something that isn't really about esoterism. It's a very serious and revolting practice of animal cruelty: Puppy Farms or Puppy Mills.

All around the world (even in Portugal) these "cruelty farms" work for the good of profit and ignore the well-being of dogs and cats (and other animals).

Puppy Mills are places where dogs are bred non-stop.

Female dogs are kept malnourished in cages for the sole purpose of giving birth to puppies that will then be sold to pet shops.
These female dogs aren't allowed to get outside the cages unless when it's time to breed with male dogs; they are kept in a tiny space which is their bed, bathroom and hopefully dinning room while pregnant or with their puppies. Medical care is barely given to them.
The puppies live isolated from other dogs or humans, confined to that little space with their mom and brothers or sisters.

Lets just take a second to imagine how much these poor moms and puppies suffer.

It disgusts me to see humans can do this to their best friends.

What can we do about it?
Its not easy to abolish something like this once and for all but it's already a help if you:

  • DON'T support these "cruelty farms" 
  • DON'T buy pets from pet shops without knowing where they come from
  • DO alert the police or others 
  • DO spread the word if you find one (there is facebook, internet sites and even shops where you can hang a note informing about a puppy mill you found out about)
Unfortunately doing the same or worse to the owners of these awful things is a crime... for now.

How to recognize one of these Puppy Mills?
Here are some ways to find a puppy mill:
  1. If you go to a pet shop, visit the back of the shop AND the breeder A breeder that loves his dogs and is proud of them will not say no to a visit!
  2. Check if your new dog is alright and not underage, if he is sick or to young he might come from a Puppy Mill
  3. Meet the mom and dad of your new dog A good breeder will have both mom and dad healthy and well treated so that the puppies are healthy too.
If you ever suspect of animal cruelty please contact the police or some animal organization.
Animals have feelings and needs just like us, they deserve better and it is everyone's responsibility to protect them and help.

If you have a chance to change someone's life, even an animal's, do it! Animals will be thankful for sure.

Contacts in case you suspect animal cruelty:
SOS Animal (Portugal): 760 501 095 or or go to SOS Animal Facebook Page
The Police or any other competent force you remember  
For more information please check:

Lets work together for our best friends!

Blessed be

December 13, 2013

Runes - Wisdom in letters

Hi there!
Everyone has probably heard of the runes. But what exactly are they?

In old norse, "rune" means mystery, thus it being related to magic.
Runes are letters from the runic alphabet. Each has a meaning AND a letter associated.
The oldest known of the Norse runes (my personal favorites) are the Elder Futhark. But there are lots more: the Younger Futhark, the Anglo-Saxon Futhark, etc.

According to the myth, Father Odin gained the runic knowledge and power by hanging himself upside down on a tree (Yggdrasill, the Tree that holds the nine worlds) for 9 days, which gave him  the mental powers to learn and use the runes.

The Elder Futhark runes:

These are the elder runes.
Today I'm going to talk about two that are special for me:
Berkano or Bjarkan: 
  • means birch, birch Goddess, birch twig
  • esoteric meaning is rebirth, creativity; works of concealment and protection; contain and hold other powers together; strengthening of the powers and second vision; clairvoyance; Goddess; bringing ideas to fruition 
  • rules over life (birth, adolescence, adulthood and death)

Elhaz or Yr:

  • means elk, swan, protection
  • the esoteric meaning is protection, protective force; communication with inhuman beings and other worlds; strengthening of magical power; luck
  • connection between men and Gods

What can they be used for?

Runes are powerful.
They are most used as a divination method, their placement has meanings to our life

They can be used during rituals, spells and even during your daily life as charms. As an alphabet you can write down messages and send them to the universe during a ritual. Or you can carve them in a candle to improve the candle's power during candle magic.
There is even a specific kind of magic called Rune Magic.
I usually have Yr and Bjarkan written on my arm for protection and help.
And they help me.

What would you use them for?

For more information please check:
Wiki - Runes
Omniglot - Runic alphabets

For more information about the other runes or suggestions about other things feel free to comment!

Blessed be ^^
Special thanks to Andre Matias and my sister

December 10, 2013

Crystal Healing

Everyone has probably seen crystals and stones in stores. They are pretty and "would probably look good on the living room", right?

Yes but that's not the only thing they do. Actually that's the least important thing they do.
Crystals heal. They can be used in Reiki and other things like magic.

Like almost everything they have energy. And this energy can be filtered by the crystal's properties and used for different things like helping us heal, cleaning our energy, giving us inspiration, helping us with insomnia, etc.

Which crystals are used for what?
It's a hard question because most of them can be used for many and diverse things.
But here are some examples:

  • Amber is used to clean negativity and help the natural healing process. 
    Amber and Clear Crystal Pendulum
  • Amethyst is good to protect, heal and improve spiritual powers
  • Hematite protects against negative energy, closes your energy field in order to protect you and is excellent to calm down
  • Lapis lazuli is great to protect, improve integrity and attract abundance
  • Quartz rose is the stone of love connected to Venus it attracts love and self-esteem.
  • Tigereye helps us be optimistic and have personal power; it is good for insight
This is a very small list of crystals/stones and their uses.
But they only work properly if you treat them right...

How to work with crystals
Having energy, crystals and stones have "feelings" too and they need to be taken care of.
Most of them need to be cleaned, energized and programmed.

There are many ways of doing this:
  • Placing the crystal on a glass bowl full of water with a little sea salt
  • Placing the crystal under rain or flowing water
  • Cleaning the crystal with your energy (imagine white pure energy coming out of your hand into the crystal)
  • Placing the crystal under the sun for 24 hours
  • Burying the crystal in soil or a garden for a day
  • Placing the crystal under the sun light for 6 hours or under the moonlight for a whole night
  • Leaving the crystal outside during a thunderstorm
  • Imagining any color energy coming out of your hand into the crystal
I only know a way of doing this: lay down (or sit if you prefer), take some deep breaths with the crystal in your hands, feel it pulsing with energy and place it/hold it in front of your eye chakra (between your eyebrows). Then it's time to talk to it, tell it what you want and imagine the results in-visioning the exchange of energy between your chakra and the crystal or stone. Do this until  you feel the crystal is programmed.

After this they are ready to help you 100%.
Place them around your house or take them with you everywhere. You can use them as necklaces, bracelets or rings, or even just put them inside a cloth bag and carry them with you.

For more information please check:

Keep loving your crystals and stones!
Blessed be ^^

December 08, 2013

Reiki - Usando a Energia Universal

Hoje eu estou aqui para falar sobre algo que tem sido muito útil no meu dia-a-dia: Reiki.

Para aqueles que não sabem, Reiki é uma terapia que funciona com o Ki (energia).

Reiki significa Universal (Rei = universe) Energia (ki), quando usamos Reiki estamos a ser um canal para a energia universal fluir.
Esta técnica Japonesa para curar criada ou redescobrida por Mikao Usui ajuda a equilibrar o corpo em todos os níveis: psicológico, emocional, físico e espiritual.
Através de cura pela imposição das mãos o terapeuta torna-se um canal e usa a energia para curar. A quantidade de energia depende nas necessidades de cada pessoa. Apesar de durante uma sessão as mãos serem colocadas em cima de pontos de energia (chakras) para a energia chegar a sitios especificos, o sítio que mais precisa de energia é sempre detetado pela energia em si.

Mas o que pode o Reiki fazer exatamente?
Hoje em dia o Reiki é usado como tratamento adicional ajudando tratamentos médicos, medicina tradicional, terapias tais como cromoterapia, etc. Muitos hospitais já estão contratando terapeutas de Reiki.
A razão disto é porque o Reiki tem uma alta taxa de sucesso na ajuda do processo de cura.
Pode ser usado para:
    -Relaxar e reduzir o stress;
    -Para aliviar os síntomas médicos e, por exemplo, síntomas de quimioterapia;
    -Ajudar as células a regenerarem por elas próprias;
    -Para ajudar a reduzir problemas como, por exemplo, depressões;
    -Para ajudar no melhoramento do sistema imunitário;
    -Elimina bloqueios;
    -Limpa a energia (chakras);
    -O Reiki até ajuda com problemas de sono;
Funciona com tudo que tenha uma alma/energia: humanos, animais, plantas, etc. Resumindo promove a auto-cura.

Mas como posso eu usar Reiki?
Bem podes pagar por uma sessão ou encontrar alguém que esteja iniciado em Reiki e que te faça uma de graça.
Ou podes-te iniciar.

Existem 3 nivéis de Reiki antes de te tornares um Mestre de Reiki:
Nível 1: És iniciado e começas a usar o Reiki para teinar e controlar a energia. Durante 21 dias após a iniciação tens de fazer reiki pelo menos uma vez por dia (saltar um dia não significa o fim do mundo). Aprendes o 1º símbolo Cho Ku Rei;
Nível 2: Aprendes a fazer Reiki à distância e mais dois símbolos (ainda não cheguei lá);
Nível 3: Tornas-te um Mestre de Reiki, aprendes a iniciar outra pessoa e aprendes mais dois símbolos.

Ser iniciado em Reiki leva tempo porque é um caminho de auto-desenvolvimento e crescimento espiritual.

Tem sempre muito cuidado com quem tu te queres iniciar porque essa pessoa será o teu Mestre de Reiki e irá te ajudar no processo de aprendizagem.

Irei pôr um Post no futuro sobre uma sessão ou auto-sessão.

Para mais informação sobre Reiki vejam:
Um obrigado muito especial e com amor para o meu Mestre de Reiki, André Matias

Espero que tenha sido util
Blessed be ^^

December 06, 2013

Meditation with Your Tarot Cards

Today I come here to talk about meditating with tarot cards.
It's not only a method to relax and, well, meditate but also to know your cards.

My Tarot Cards - Major Arcana

Most people seem to just read and read about the meanings of the cards and get frustrated when they don't memorize them.
I found the perfect solution: meditation!

How to meditate with your cards:
Personally I think meditation is one of those things that work the best when you do it the way you want.
But here is the way I do it:

  1. Light a candle or incense of your choice and relax with the card or cards you want to use during this session
  2. Take some deep breaths and feel the cards' energy before looking at them (I find it easier to gaze a few seconds and then closing my eyes)
  3. While still looking at them or with your eyes closed let the image talk to you; imagine you get inside the card, check what's around you, smell the air and feel the enviornment as if you were really standing there
  4. Let the person in the card ( for example if you're doing this with The Fool) talk to you; ask questions and hear the answers, get advice and hear life stories from the card
  5. When you finish talking and exploring the card, see yourself get out of it and enjoy the state of mind
With cards or not it's meditation and it's good for you and your tarot experiences. It helps you understand the card and you might get your own meanings instead of reading, reading aaaaand reading a little more while trying to get all of the books' information stuck in your mind.

My personal experience:
Finding this technique was life saving.
I was getting trouble with tarot. I was frustrated because I love it and I couldn't manage to read them without a book by my side.
And then one day I found an article about Tarot Meditation, "Thank you, Gods!"
I've been doing it and it's wonderful. I have so much fun doing it and it has been very useful for the read itself because I don't need a book anymore, the cards speak to me and tell me what I need to know!

It's a way to bond with your Tarot Deck and a way to relax while getting some advice in the middle.
I recommend to everyone who likes tarot, noob or experienced, who does it as a hobby or a serious job.

Blessed be

December 05, 2013

Esoterism - What is it?

Hi there!
Well everyone probably heard about the occult. It's that dark little thing you probably wanted to get yourself into when you were 16 years old or even older.
But what is esoterism you might ask?

Esoterism or esotericism is actually having belifs and opinions that aren't shared by many. Makes sense?
It does if you keep in mind that tarot and, for example, magic are still subjects that many misunderstand and see as mystic. Therefor esoterism has many subjects related to it, because it's the study and application of practices still little known among the world.
It's part of the occult because it takes care of matters only a small group of people know or understand.

Which practices am I talking about?
Well for starters using for example colors to heal is an esoteric subject, as well as witchcraft and, for example, supernatural (ghosts, werewolfs, etc).
But there is more, lots and lots more that many still don't know:

  • Religious beliefs such as spiritualism and esoteric buddhism
  • ESP aka Extrasensory perception (which by itself includes a list of things I will work on later)
  • Reiki
  • Astrology
  • Tarot
  • Other divination tecniques (e.g: I Ching, palmstry, etc)
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Astral projection
  • Healing with crystals
  • Healing with scents
  • Healing of any kind that has direct contact to our energy
  • Auras
  • Medium
  • etc, etc
Cool right? 
This blog will talk about, pretty much all of them in the future and a few more like tradicional medicine (which isn't esoteric but it's cool anyway).

What's the difference between esoteric and exoteric?
Exoteric are the things that are external to our "inner knowleadge" and things everyone accepts and knows about. It is things such as common sense (which isn't very common unfortunatly).

It is pretty interesting to understand these differences and it helps us understand how to practice the items listed above.

For more information check:
Wiki - esoterism
Wiki - occult
Glossary of esoteric terms

Blessed be


Welcome to the blog, I hope this will help you in anyway.

Future posts about esoterism, paranormal, occult, natural medicine and related will be added.

Thank you and hope to see you soon!

Partilha )0(